Quilt Worksheet
Date quilt is dropped off:
Phone Number:
Name of quilt:
Is this quilt for you?
Quilt Size: W_______ x L_______ Backing Size: W_______ x L_______
If you backing is in more than one piece, what direction do you want the seam to be on the back? (Check one)
_____Vertically _____No seam
What is the size of your batting? W_______ x L_______
___ Check here to confirm your batting is 2 inches larger than the quilt top on all sides.
If your batting is pieced, please draw a diagram on the back of this sheet showing how it should be laid out. I prefer that you do not sew your pieces together; however all edges should be very straights that I can place them safe by side with out any gaps and overlapping.
Please use a safety pin to mark “top and center” of each layer (quilt top, batting, and backing).
What color thread would you like me to use?
What kind of design would you like on your quilt? To see a sample of designs I have, look at the “Design Page” on my website, luckyquilting.com.